The Spirit moved in me this morning to offer a thank you to those who have offered financial support for the work He does in me. Thank you!
For four years the Lord made Spring happen in my soul. A time of rich growth and development of His understanding in me. The main branches of that understanding being; The Journey, the 2 pieces on Glory and The Four Foundational Words.
This last year has been a type of Fall or Winter for me. A time to review the roots and branches of revelation He has sown into my heart. A time to go back and listen to what He has led me to share. Some things were like they were brand new again, almost a shock to hear.
So on this second day of Spring as He leads me out of this Fall and Winter period, it just felt appropriate to offer up thanksgiving to those who have prayed and offered financial help along the way. So again, Thank you!
May we all have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.