What Does Surrender Really Look Like?

What if one day you recognized that you needed to surrender all to Jesus?  

And then after spending some time pondering, considering and heeding His words to the world, you came to understand the truth of His words that apart from Me you can do nothing.  

What does surrender really look like?  ?

So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him.”  LUKE 8:18

The First Voice

Your Word spoken is upholding all things.  Washing through the soul and spirit and plunging to the depths of their division, even the joints and marrow of all humanity. 

The thoughts and intentions of the heart are laid bare and known by You. You speak first and man may inquire of You.  Your Living Water flows to an ear to hear, the pioneer for praise of the First Voice.

Yours is the First Voice. You originate all things and will bring all things back to the subjection of the Words You have spoken.  You have recorded Your Words in the Lamb’s Book of Life and You will reconcile all things to that Word in the end. 

There is nothing hidden from You.  You see the scheming of humanity as they seek to make a reputation for themselves beyond the easy yoke of repentance You have formed in them. 

Why do the nations plot as narcissists?  In love with themselves and what they think they have gained?  Seeking fame for themselves when Your Word is the Alpha and Omega. 

God’s Gap is the lacuna for the cleansing waters of Your Living Word!!  Fill the thirsty souls and mend the broken hearts.  Your Name and Your Word is exalted above all things!

Early Morning Light 3-15-19